Group resources for your Church

Our video and discussion-based resources for groups equip Christians with accessible tools to help them explore and understand the Bible’s message.

The Romans Course

Discover your place in God’s story as you explore the Letter to the Romans with your small group or as a whole church.

The course tackles ten big themes found in the book of Romans which are key to understanding the Christian faith

Ten teaching videos

Small group resources

Church sermon resources

Testimony videos

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An eight-session course helping you explore the world’s bestseller.

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Love books? Love book clubs? Welcome to Bible Book Club, helping you read the Bible with your friends – one book at a time.

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Study the Bible and get creative with young people in your church. Take your young people on an eight-session creative journey through...

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A seven-session video series to deepen your understanding of the Bible and discover its relevance to us today. Study key biblical themes...

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ReFrame is a 10-Session video-based Bible study that brings faith to life.

The Romans Course

Discover your place in God’s story